Cryptocurrencies: The Challenge of Regulation
It is important to remember that, despite a favourable context, cryptocurrencies carry high regulatory and transparency risks associated with their economic value. Therefore, the answer to its true benefit is an unknown that requires careful analysis. A benefit of cryptocurrencies is the increase in security and privacy for users when to traditional currency. However, the […]
Cryptocurrencies: A Changeable Future
Before the challenge of regulating cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to debate their idiosyncrasies, as well as their context. This means assessing the support structure for digital currencies and their relationship with financial transactions. Blockchain technology recognizes the supporting infrastructure of digital currencies. This is a decentralized database option with the possibility of systematized and encrypted […]
Cryptocurrencies: Concept, Structures and Taxonomies
What does cryptocurrency mean? In practice, it translates into any form of digital or virtual currency that exploits encrypted data to guarantee the completion of transactions. These do not derive from a central issuing or regulatory authority, that is, they use a decentralized system to record transactions and issue new units. In other words, it […]
Sustainability or greenwashing?
Before addressing the topic, it is important to remember the concept of sustainability: a way to promote the satisfaction of current needs without compromising future generations. In other words, it is necessary to comply with an ethical requirement: intergenerational equity! Intergenerational equity requires not excessively burdening the present generation with current expenses that generate future […]
After two months dedicated to the circular economy, it is important to understand sustainability and its dimensions, as well as remember how both concepts relate. Sustainability is promoting the satisfaction of current needs without compromising future generations. However, contrary to expectations, this does not only recognize the environmental dimension! In practice, it illustrates a holistic […]
Circular economy
The September publication addressed the relationship between circular economy and “second-hand” products; however, how to define circular economy? Which are its analytical dimensions? And, how it relates with sustainability? Circular economy is a production/consumption model that recognises sharing, rental, reuse, repair, renewal and recycling of materials and products when possible. Ie., the aim is to […]
Circular economy and second-hand purchases
The circular economy has emerged as a revolutionary approach to address current environmental and economic challenges. In this context, second-hand sales are gaining popularity, marking a transition from a disposable mindset to one of reuse and resale. This reality essentially redefines consumption. Second-hand sales do not only provide affordable products but also alleviate pressure on […]
Operations optimisation- Tecnological consultancy
Technological consulting plays a crucial role in the digital era, since it supports companies upon process implementation and/or technological solutions to optimise complex tasks and maximise operations. A rationale is to increase productivity through more efficient processes, reduce task execution times, and transform challenges into efficiency and competitiveness. Operations optimisation involves a thorough analysis of […]
European Funds: Financing Opportunities for Companies in Portugal
Within the context of public financial support for companies in Portugal, European funds stand out as crucial tools for business development. These European Union (EU) resources aim to promote economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness among enterprises. Such funds enable access to capital and assistance throughout the various stages of a business life cycle (key areas) […]
Remote Work – Missed Opportunity?
Over the last years, remote work has emerged as a transformative trend, providing flexibility and efficiency to employees and employers. However, this potentially innovative opportunity may have a significant social impact (whether positive or negative) when considering a cost/benefit analysis. Remote work offers remarkable advantages: does not require daily movements towards the office and, such […]