Economic outook- 2sd semester 2023

Second semester 2023 acknowledges a promising economic outlook for Portugal and, a challenging and divergent global scenario. This scenario encompasses contextual quandaries, as for instance the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, underlying political and economic tensions between China, USA, and European Union (UE), as well as, profound climate changes. At national level, Portugal latest predictions, acknowledge […]

Remote Work – Missed Opportunity?

Over the last years, remote work has emerged as a transformative trend, providing flexibility and efficiency to employees and employers. However, this potentially innovative opportunity may have a significant social impact (whether positive or negative) when considering a cost/benefit analysis. Remote work offers remarkable advantages: does not require daily movements towards the office and, such […]

Remote work – where do we stand?

Full remote work over the past few years has gradually been replaced by a hybrid solution, which raises some queries upon how companies long-term productivity will be affected. While a more flexible choice such as remote work is considered, the hybrid option has advantages for both sides (company and worker). This seems to be the […]

Remote work – the employees’ perspective

Remote work has reshaped employees’ perspective regarding flexibility and opportunities, since it allowed: i) work in a personalised and/or familiar environment which best acknowledge productivity regarding who works in such format; ii) reduction of time and costs by eliminating daily commuting to the workplace. Note that workspace can be a coffee shop, library, home office, […]

Remote work – end or return?

During the COVID-19 pandemic several companies worldwide were forced to adopt remote work. However, some studies acknowledge remote work benefits, which solution has seemingly been classified as temporary or short-term. This is because large multinational companies (e.g., Google, Facebook, etc.) are imposing return to offices. And, this trend has been replicated by other stakeholders… Some […]

Economic forecasts 2023: The price of money and inflation

In December 2022, the European Central Bank (ECB) reassessed and increased Eurozone interest rates. The current value is 2.5%, the highest since 2008, although expected given the context (inflation level, US economy behaviour) and ECB’s macroeconomic vision. Note that Eurozone inflation rate was 10.1% in November and 9.6% in December; reachin the highest ranking over […]

“Quiet Firing”, the consequence of passive-aggressive conflict

“Quiet firing” or “silent dismissal” is a phenomenon that acknowledges managers behaviour in limit employees development. Examples are: i) the absence of career and/or salary progression; ii) impossibility to participate in projects; and, iii) reduce personal development. And, despite not being a recent phenomenon, it is a growing concern for organisations. With hybrid and remote […]

Europe: Energy transition towards greener alternatives

With fuel prices increasing continuously and with no prospect of improvement, predictions for see a political, economic and social dilemma in Europe. Time is short as well as the number of options; therefore, greener alternatives must be a bet.On the 17th, it was reported by the Bloomberg newspaper that the National Commission for Development and […]

Energy Savings Plan 2022/2023 and the impacts

On the twenty-seventh of September, the Energy Saving Plan 2022/2023 was published in Diário da República, which introduces novel measures regarding energy consumption and energy transition process. Such aim is an energetic response to the energy crisis currently experienced in Europe.The Energy Saving Plan 2022/2023 highlights mandatory and voluntary measures; with different temporal effects (short, […]

International Investment Risks (II)

Over the past six months, Europe has experienced an energy crisis related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Because of it, Europe is preparing for a hard winter, being forced to have low consumption rates after a novel Russian threat upon an increase of natural gas prices. And, continuous cuts in supply in retaliation for […]